Trade Fairs
Our winery takes part in various events. In March hundreds of vintners and businesses from all over the world converge at the international ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany. We are represented at the event on a regular basis together with the Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter (VDP).
For us, the classic start to the year on the German market is the Mainzer Winzerbörse, to which the VDP sends out invitations every April. This is where we not only meet up with our colleagues from all of the VDP wineries but also with trade visitors and consumers. At the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz visitors can gain an impression of the quality of the current year’s wines.
We also take part in the regional Mittelrhein-Weinmesse, the wine trade fair held in Bacharach at the end of May. As a local business it’s something of a tradition to present our current vintages at the show.
Zur Zeit sind keine Messetermine geplant.
Currently no fair-dates are planned.